Say No to Traditional Hair Removal Methods

Tired of waxing, shaving and tweezing your hair every time your hair grows back. Are you facing skin problems like scarring, blistering, and redness of the skin? Then, you should seek laser hair removal treatment. It is one of the most effective methods of removing unwanted hair gently. It is simple yet efficient and inexpensive process of hair removal. The bikini area is quite delicate. Waxing and epilating cause pain, whereas laser technology hurts little providing long-term results. Bikini laser hair removal is beneficial to remove ingrown hair and prevent bikini bumps from occurring.

Unlike earlier, the energies used in laser hair removal procedure were different for people with different skin tone. Only light skin tone with dark hair could be treated. But with the revolution in technology, a number of advances have been made by combining it with optical energy and electrical energy.

Let us take a look at how to remove unwanted body hair with laser technology:

Typically, the area which is to be treated is shaved prior to the commencement of the hair removal treatment. An anesthetic cream can be applied to the specific area under the supervision of the dermatologists, which is not important for all skin types. In addition, a cool gel is applied to the area and the laser is adjusted for power, size, and pulse frequency to optimize the treatment for the patient’s comfort. Both the patient and expert wear special glasses that filter out harmful light during the process and then the treatment gets started.

The laser beam light is then put on the hair follicles damaging the dark melanin without causing any damage to the surrounding area of the skin. Most laser hair removal patients report little or no discomfort during the procedure.
The results of bikini laser hair removal, when compared with conventional processes such as shaving, waxing, and epilating, are excellent. The process is less painful and requires less time and money.

Laser Hair Reduction Technology: Best Method to Tackle With Unwanted Body Hair

Laser hair reduction technique is one of the best methods over traditional techniques of getting rid of unwanted hair from the body parts. It is safest and most effective way of permanently removing body hair. This advanced technology is medically proven and safe for all skin type. For men, excessive body and facial hair can be the reason for irritation and embarrassment. Owing to this very reason, most men feels uncomfortable walking down shirtless. Excess hair can also lead to bad body odor. Male laser hair removal can be the best hair removal regimen over tweezing, epilating, and shaving.

Removing hair with traditional methods can not only increase the growth of hair but also cause nicks, cuts, stubble, ingrown hair, and skin irritation. Whereas permanent laser hair removal guarantees successful results. The laser emits rays of light on the individual’s treated area, which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair known as melanin without affecting the skin. In addition, highly experienced and knowledgeable experts guarantee the best results.

Hair removal method is a course of 6-7 sessions and the session may depending on the skin type of the individual. It is important to consult a doctor before beginning laser treatment. Doctors perform a patch test on the day of consultation and advice you accordingly.

One of the main benefits of laser hair removal, as opposed to electrolysis, is that a large area of hair is removed in less time and the process is virtually painless. It is an effective treatment for ingrown hair. Male laser hair removal technique is an affordable and effective option than electrolysis.